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Daily Market News
African Union Adopts New Agricultural Development Strategy To Transform Continent’s Agric Sector – Zambia Monitor
To boost the agriculture sector in Africa, the African Union (“AU”) has approved a new agricultural development strategy that will see the continent increase its agrifood output by 45% by 2035. Supporting the strategy, Uganda’s President, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni called on fellow leaders to open up the borders as they continue to undermine the advancement of agriculture in Africa. The new AU strategy is expected to transform its agri-food systems as part of its new plan to become food secure in a decade. Adoption of the strategy came after the AU Extraordinary Summit on the Post-Malabo Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (“CAADP”) held in Uganda, approved the 10-year CAADP Strategy and Action Plan.
Securities Commission Partners South African Regulatory Firm To Curtail Fraudulent Cross Border Transactions In Capital Markets – Zambia Monitor
The Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) has partnered with Prudential Authority of South Africa to enhance the supervision of cross-border transactions in the capital markets and prevent fraudulent and other prohibited practices in both countries. This would be done through the exchange of information and strengthened oversight of financial institutions in the two countries, marking a new chapter in cross-border collaboration. This agreement enhances the exchange of supervisory information between the two regulators, strengthening oversight of financial institutions in Zambia and South Africa. This partnership marks a significant step toward greater financial integrity and stability in Zambia’s capital markets, according to the SEC acting Chief Executive Officer, Diana Sichone.
South African Government Considers Listing State-Owned Firms – Bloomberg
South Africa’s government said it is closely collaborating with the Johannesburg Stock Exchange about listing the nation’s struggling state companies on the main bourse, with a view toward fostering investment. “The process of ensuring that our state-owned entities are based on market orientation has already started,” Maropene Ramokgopa, minister in the Presidency responsible for planning, monitoring and evaluation, said after a meeting with the exchange Tuesday. “We have spoken about the issue of the listing of our SOEs and they are going to assist us to come up with policies and frameworks that would allow us to do a better job.”
State-owned firms, many of which have faced governance issues and are in a precarious financial position, have frequently turned to the government for bailouts to help them stay afloat, but the National Treasury has hardened its stance when it comes to funding them.
Zambia Bonds Trading Summary
5 government bond trades were processed today with a face value of ZMW1,809,900 generating a turnover of ZMW1,904,820
Lusaka Securities Exchange Trading Summary
For ZMW denominated securities: In 98 trades recorded today 44,474 shares were transacted resulting in a turnover of ZMW249,915.58. The following price chagens were recorded today: +ZMW0.01 in CHIL, -ZMW0.021 in MAFS and ZMW0.01 in ZMBF. Trading activity was recorded in the following securities AECI, ATEL, BATA, CECZ, PUMA, SCBL, ZABR, ZNCO, ZSUG and PMDZ and CCAF on the quoted tier.
For the USD denominated security (REIZ): No trades in REIZ took place today
The LuSE All Share Index (“LASI”) closed at 15,361.62 points 0.00% lower than the previous trading day close. The market closed on a capitalization of ZMW215,599,639,918.60 including Shoprite Holdings and ZMW78,747,750,310.60 excluding Shoprite Holdings.

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